Our Events


Shedl steering GROUP MEETING

The Steering Group is responsible for overseeing and steering the work of the practitioners groups and represents SCURL within the UK context of content negotiations and initiatives. This group also proposes new areas of work for SHEDL.

They meet 3 times per year and include Director level membership, representatives of the constituencies and the Chairs of all five SHEDL groups. All SHEDL Chairs report into this group who in turn reports into the SCURL Business Committee.



The SCURL EDI Network was formed in November 2021 to facilitate a consistent approach to embedding the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion across SCURL member libraries. The Network enables knowledge exchange across the SCURL membership and informs the strategic direction of the SCURL Business Committee on EDI matters.​  The group has also created an EDI Toolkit to support member libraries in embedding good practice in EDI consistently across services.

Collections and metadata GROUP MEETING

This group has broad membership from across SCURL member institutions and meets on a quarterly basis. The group holds regular events highlighting innovation and emerging practice in collections development. Current projects include implementing the Last Scottish Copy Policy and providing guidance to the SCURL community on metadata developments.


SCURL Annual conference 2025

This year's event will have a broad theme of inclusivity, considering inclusive approaches to how libraries work & the services we deliver. The programme features keynotes from Dr Rachel Shanks, Interdisciplinary Director for Social Inclusion and Cultural Diversity at the University of Aberdeen, and Beth Hellen-Montague, Head of Library & Information Services, The Frances Crick Institute and author of Practical Tips for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Libraries. The programme will also explore:

  • the work of two SCURL member libraries, the University of Aberdeen and Glasgow Caledonian University, in acting as libraries of sanctuary

  • decolonising collections in a specialist setting at the Royal Botantic Garden Edinburgh

  • researching, collecting and promoting LGBTQI+ Histories at the University of Strathclyde

  • library workforce diversity and the social backgrounds of HE librarians

All SCURL member institutions are entitled to one free place at the conference. Please book just one place initially and any remaining places will then be offered on a first come first served basis.

Travel bursaries may be available for those who would not receive institutional support to attend the event. Please complete the online application to apply. The full programme will be available soon.


Shedl learning content group meeting

The remit of this group is to achieve cost savings and efficiencies through the collaborative purchasing of digital learning content, digital multimedia content, digital content enrichment and analysis services. This Group meets 3 times per year



Monday 28 April 2025, 10am-1.30pm


Online (Closed Meeting)



Wednesday 21 May 2025, 2-3pm


Online (Closed Meeting)



Friday 23 May 2025, 11am-12:30pm


Online (Closed Meeting)



Thursday 19 June 2025, 10am-4.30pm


The Sir Duncan Rice Library,
University of Aberdeen



Monday 23 June 2025, 11am - 1pm


Online (closed group)