scottish universities press
SCURL members have worked together to develop and deliver a collaborative open access publishing platform. Scottish Universities Press (SUP) launched its first call for content in November 2022 and is now progressing towards commencing publication of monographs in 2023. SUP offers researchers at the 18 participating institutions a clear and cost-effective route to open access publishing, which responds to the mandates from research funders. Please visit the SUP website for more information.
rights retention statement
SCURL released a Rights Retention statement on 23 October, to mark international Open Access Week 2023. In alignment with SCURL’s aims to collaborate towards the creation of a co-operative library infrastructure in Scotland, and to provide mutual support for members, the statement supports the adoption of Rights Retention Strategies by SCURL HE Institutions. It is anticipated that SCURL HEIs will develop strategy, underpinned by the position set out in the statement, to facilitate the widest possible access to research.
Shared Services Partnership
The shared service structure was established over 15 years ago for the mutual benefit of SCURL member libraries. Partners benefit from the infrastructure and the expertise of developers at the University of Edinburgh. The service offers a supported hosting platform for their repository, journal, or monograph, as well as access to support and technical expertise which may not be available in their own institution.
last scottish copy Policy
The SCURL Collections and Metadata Group has developed guidance and a sample workflow to support staff across SCURL member libraries in implementing the Last Scottish Copy Policy (PDF). Please use the online form to submit details of any titles that may meet the terms of the Policy.